One Page Idea's

Welcome to a web site dedicated to
sharing of illusive information

We American's conduct our lives based on a set of beliefs (convenient myths) that we have acquired over time from our public school education, the teachings of our church, the major media and television, our friends, and personal experience. Unfortunately, much of what we have acquired as knowledge and understanding is false and misleading. Since we are conducting our lives on false and misleading information, we often make choices and decisions in our lives that ultimately cost us considerably. We fail to recognize that the curriculum in public schools is very tightly controlled, which prevents full and proper instruction in many areas of knowledge important to the conduct of our lives. We do not consider that the public school, as well as the major media and our church may well be a means of 'pre-conditioning' our thouht patterns and responses. Given a certain set of circumstances, we will all generally react in the same manner. Consequently, we have "herd thoughts," not "individual thoughts" founded in fact.

It is the purpose of this web page to examine the FACT on which an issue is based. The documents you may download from this web site are intended to expose the FACTS surrounding an issue. Each listed document has a short explanation of its content so that the reader can determine if this is an issue of interest. The documents are in ACROBAT (.PDF) format, and can be viewed with 'Acrobat Reader'. Acrobat reader is a free download from the Adobe web site. To go to the Adobe web site click here. This page, now active, provides Acrobat documents available in the list below.

Feedback on the documents is welcome. Any errors in grammar or spelling is welcomed, along with input on the clarity of presentation. If a point is not clear or the text is confusing, I welcome your feedback. Using a subject of "feedback", please sent your observations to:

Thank you.

Peter Niese


DAILY ONE documents: The title DAILY ONE comes simply from an effort to present pertinents facts on a topic and limit the presentattion to ONE page. I'm not quite certain where the "DAILY" comes from since I do not produce one of these documents each day. But it does have a 'nice ring.'

Change and the Voter
A Civil Lesson on Constitutions
I'm Angry
Voting for a Failed System
Brief History of Government
Two United States
Type of Government

Crime & Commerce: Posted January 27, 2010: This article is by Stephen Ames. As I read this, Stephen is right on target. His writing style is a little pointed mixed with a dash of humor. But what he is trying to get the reader to understand is of great importance, not only to the reader, but to America as well. Because Stephen is more advanced than many readers, some of his content and wit may be lost on those less informed than himself. Consequently, some commentary has been made that should, hopoefully, make the document an easy read for most. To read the document without commentary, visit